Art direction/web design/
graphic design/illustration/
3d animation/
Erinion is a start-up company connected to Scania. They came to me to create a complete graphic profile and assets to be used throughout their platform.
Featured work
A couple of picked out elements from the Erinion project.
Erinion Social Media
Art direction/web design/graphic design/illustration/3d animation/
3D Simulations/Art work
Art direction/web design/graphic design/illustration/3d animation/
Erinion 3D Asset
Art direction/web design/graphic design/illustration/3d animation/
Erinion 3D Asset
Art direction/web design/graphic design/illustration/3d animation/
Erinion 3D Asset
Art direction/web design/graphic design/illustration/3d animation/
Humblestorm Branding
Art direction/web design/graphic design/illustration/3d animation/